Has anyone successfully quit smoking after 13 years or more? -

Monday, September 1, 2008

Has anyone successfully quit smoking after 13 years or more? -

Any success stories?
How did you did you do it?
I smoked for years...One day I finally quit. I had to change my habits and keep busy. On my way home from work I would get gas and go inside to pay. There they were, right by the cash register...so I would pick up a pack. I started going a different way home and paying at the pump instead. I also started chewing gum and sucking on lollipops.
I haven-t had one for 5 years..the smell alone makes me sick.
Yes, loads of people!

Not me, I smoked for weeks. However, my Mum and Dad gave up after 35 years of it. That was ten years ago and they haven-t smoked since. My Dad did spend a few years on Nicotine gum, but it is still better than smoking, and my Mum used gum for only a few months.
They don-t regret it at all. They are much healthier.
Smoked for 33 years without really thinking about quitting. Got the flu and I felt like I was going to die. I quit cold turkey, bothered me for about 4 or 5 months. That was 11 years ago (I-m 66 now). Not one thougth that I will ever start again and it does not bother me 1 bit.
You have to want to quit to do it.

Good luck
go to www.quitnet.com it has a members forum and testimonials to read. i smoked for 17 yrs and quit dec 2007. i have not smoked a cig for 8 months now. just do it, if you love your body and want to live longer for your loved ones, you will do it. you have to. now and not later.

I used the Commit nicotine lozenges, then used Chantix for six months to get off the lozenges
It-s easy to quit smoking I-ve done it dozens of times.
Has anyone successfully quit smoking after 13 years or more? -