How to quit smoking if you smoke 20 cigarrates a day? -

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to quit smoking if you smoke 20 cigarrates a day? -

I am smoker having at least 20 cigarettes a day. Can anybody suggest an easy remedy to get rid off?
1. Daily,mentally take oath that i will not smoke for to day.
2. Leave it for the memory of the person to whom your affection is more.
3. Always keep one to two kabak sugar in mouth.
These are the very simple way to leave that type of bed habbits.
I smoked for 20+ years and tried many times to quit -- the way I did it, and I-ve heard it is not the correct way, but it worked for me. I cut back slowly. I gave up my morning cigarettes and made myself wait until lunch time to have a cigarette. It was difficult, but knowing I could have a cigarette at lunch got me through the morning. Then I gave up afternoon cigarettes and waited until evening. Then, finally gave up those evening cigarettes. This probably took about 6 months to accomplish but I quit 11 years ago and have not gone back to smoking. It was very, very difficult, but you will feel absolutely fantastic once you know you-ve smoked your last cigarette. Good luck to you.
I am not a smoker, but I found this video for people trying to quit.…

My Grandfather was a smoker most of his life. His brother got Lung Cancer (also smoked most of his life), and after seeing him one time in the hospital he quit cold turkey. Although he quit, I think the damage was done and he ended up getting Lung Cancer himself a few years later, which took him pretty quick.

Good Luck
I would follow the advise already given. Back off and slow down and ease off them. You didn-t start smoking in a day or even a week, so just turn it around. That is what I am trying to do. Anything that-s good is hard somethings to do. But in the end you will be healthier.

Best of luck to you.
I am praying for you that god help you to quit this bad habit.
Every morning awake up time - evening bed time 10 minutes say that;
Smoking is not good for me.I will quit smoking.Ican do it . Please help me god.
You can get this one thing I heard of for free, or you can even make it at home. It is called willpower and it works wonders, you should try it. It will make you quit if you use it right.
Bet with ur friend that u won-t for a week (or)
Chew a gum (or)
Always have a Chocolate in your mouth.(or)
If u wanna be safe smoking, go for electronic cigars which are now readily available in stores

Always try cold turkey first. It-s cheap (free) and fast. If that doesn-t work, try gradually cutting back. If THAT doesn-t work, then join a support group and buy some niccorette.
read allan carrs easy way to stop smoking, i have stopped 2 months now from reading that book
don-t buy in packs and also don-t carry coins which will tempt u to buy cigars
How to quit smoking if you smoke 20 cigarrates a day? -