What are some ways i can help a friend quit smoking? -

Thursday, August 25, 2016

What are some ways i can help a friend quit smoking? -

spend time with your friend by hanging out with them,keep feeding him or her gum as a substitute for smoking, a nice day at the spa if not that you can always steal their cigarettes take them away or just try to get a bunch of your friends together and stage an ambush to take your friend on a intervention trip to help get rid of the need to smoke
call 311
I think you can suggest your friend to eat a fish (edible ones) raw.
Maybe he/she will quit.It doesnt really work on everyone.
What-s up w/ u-r Avatar-s hat?!?!?!? It-s kinda creepy!
Buy her those patches that you put on your arm. My brother tried it and he really didn-t feel like smoking, Also, find those pictures online that show how the insides of a smoker look. That should scare her, him away.
When she-s passed out on 6 sleeping pills, sew up her mouth.
Convince him/her of the consequences and motivate. Remind daily.
i recommend cinnamon candies or red hots, that is how my ex bf dads stop smoking
I guess the first question is: does your friend want to quit smoking? If yes, then be supportive of his/her choice...go to places where smoking isn-t allowed, help them go through their house and get rid of all ash trays, lighters, and hidden stashes of cigarettes, for many just having a friend be there and wanting to help them quit is enough.
Lock him/her in a room for a month and make them fight it out.

I dunno, maybe that isn-t so nice... lol ; )

If you know they-d be honest, maybe promise to treat him/her to an ice cream, a coffee, a something, after each week they get through without smoking at all. Make it a fun get together incentive.
About the only thing a person can do is not smoke in front of the person trying to quit or get them drunk. Be supportive, not nagging. It-s really up to the individual.
U can suggest and U can be a friend, but the decision has to be made by them....they got to -want- to stop...U can not make them stop...but be there 4 them when they need U....drugs, alcohol etc...same thing...
go out sied go for work put flawws in the ahtray
yell at her tell her mom or the popoes!
It-s hard to get them to quite unless THEY want to. I tried for many years to quit because some of my family and friends didn-t like it, but it was only until I realized I wanted to quit for ME, that I actually did.

Don-t preach to them, that-ll only make them want to light up another one. Just be supportive, etc.
If your friend wishes to quit, then she-ll quit and come looking to you for support...but to try to force or -scare-(as a smoker myself, I know the reasons not to smoke...but I do it because I like it, and if and when the time comes, I-ll pay the consequences for it)her...that won-t do any good. We all know the risks of smoking, we all know what can happen if you do it...if you-re friend still considers to do it...then let it alone.
What are some ways i can help a friend quit smoking? -