How do you get your boyfriend to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How do you get your boyfriend to quit smoking cigarettes? -

First, you have to know that he won-t quit, unless he has the desire and will to do that. Of course you can be a great support,but he has to want it. You can speak with him and tell him that it-s his health you care about. Read about all the bad consequences of smoking and tell him. You can also say that if he quits smoking, he will be much better at doing all kinds of physical activities, he will have better taste for food. If that doesn-t help (now this may sound a little rude, but a friend of mine made many boyfriends of her quit smoking like that), tell him that you don-t like kissing an ash-tray, or if you don-t want to be that harsh, give him an inkling that you don-t like his breath or his clothes smelling like cigarettes. Once he decides to quit smoking it-s very important that you fully support him. He may act a little nervous at first, but try not to pay attention. When you go to restaurants or cafeterias, always sit in the non-smokers area. Express your approval for his every small achievement. You can say things like - I-m so proud of you! You haven-t smoked for 3 days already! I knew you could do it, because I believe in you! That-s my man!- This will help a lot. You can also plan picnic in the fresh air, or give him some sort of a price with every achievement. Don-t forget to support him - he will be grateful to you!
Tell him that he doesn-t get -any- until he quits.
Actually, you can-t MAKE him quit. He is the one who must decide to stop smoking and he must have the will to do it, or it wont work. There are different methods which can help a person to stop smoking...patches, changes of habit, etc.
If it-s extremely difficult for him to stop,he should consult his Dr.
Usually when someone is nagged they put up a defense and refuse to do anything they are told, no matter HOW GOOD or SMART it is. He has to decide on his own. I wish it was as easy as saying a magical word and they would go WOW I think I need to quit. Just remind him that you love him and that you hope for his own health he quits some day.
Well here-s a thought i have a solution to another problem you can find out if he loves you or not,try to get him some help, also try to get him some of those quit smoking kind of gums and if he doesn-t listen to those tell him if he doesn-t quit smoking that you are going to dumb him
I read that if you take licorice root, when you try to smoke a cigarette it gives you a really bad taste in your mouth.
buy him some nicotine patches or something....
My mommy actually got hypnotized to stop smoking. The lady told her that if she smoked again, it would taste like crap. My mom tried, and she swears to gosh that she about threw up.

But I saw a thing on Dr. Phil or Oprah or something that sounded like it would work pretty well. Ask them if they would die for you. If they say yes, then say -well why don-t you live for me?- I guess you-d have to be super close to the person if you say that, but nevertheless, it sounds pretty good. Good luck!
If he already knows you hate it and want him to quit then cut him a deal. Is there anything that you do that he would want you to quit? You do that and he-ll quit cigarettes.
from personal experience, I can tell you that people will quit if and when they are ready to. I have heard that quitting smoking is harding than kicking a heroin habit, it is very difficult. I have been trying to quit for over a year, and though I smoke quite a bit less than I used to, I just can-t stop. It-s a mental thing, and it takes a lot of self discipline. Truth is, no one will quit unless they want to, and they have to really really want to.
You don-t. People won-t quit to save their lives so why would they for your girlfirend? I-m sorry that it-s not the answer you wanted but everyone I have known who has quit had to make the decision themselves and get crazy. If he does, warning! He will be grouchy! You might have prefered the smokes.
How do you get your boyfriend to quit smoking cigarettes? -