What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

If you-ve been smoking a long time, and you decide to go cold turkey, (it-s hard but the fastest way to break the addiction), do yourself a favor and warn friends and family and then stay away from them the first 72 hours as much as possible. This is how long your body takes to detox from the nicotine and you might anger those around you enough for a lynching. I-ve seen it, it-s not pretty.
A cold Turkey. If you got the guts
I had great success using nicotine patches. Be sure to put on a patch with no more nicitine released than what you are smoking now. I personally put the patch on a little later every day and took it off a littler earlier every day for 1 to 2 weeks. I also kept around lots of hard candies (love jolly ranchers) to get out of the habit of hand to mouth motion.

good luck


here-s how i quit successfully: make a list of all of the reasons why you don-t want to smoke. get graphic. you-ll need to rely on this later. then, slowly begin to reduce your cigarette consumption by 1 cigarette a day...One great tool i used was simply deep breaths. Every time i felt the urge, i would inhale deeply, really taking it in, and that would relax me. you get over those cravings! i-ve been smoke-free for 3 years and will never go back. it-s a great feeling to be free of that burden. i feel both proud and healthier. avoid places and situations in which you smoke, and abide by this mantra: -Just Don-t Do It.- i wish you success!
Cold Turkey!!! I quit October 6th. I just didn-t buy another pack. I now chew on straws when I get the urge
What is the best way to quit smoking? -