What is a good way thats free to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What is a good way thats free to quit smoking cigarettes? -

I liked taking plain round toothpicks and flavoring them(such as liquid smoke-jerky, peppermint, spearmint,etc..lot-s of different kinds)remember to use them exactly like you use cigarettes:like with coffee/after dinner for the same amount of time you would smoke,think replacement and even if you get hooked on toothpicks the worse thing that happens is -splinters- lol good luck!
simple: quit cold turkey; don-t buy smoking cessation products; keep yourself occupied
The Love and Grace of God are all free. I used this program as did many others.
Stop buying them.

If you have an oral fixation, eat a sugar-free candy.
What is a good way thats free to quit smoking cigarettes? -