How do i quit smoking? -

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How do i quit smoking? -

i-ve been smoking for only a year
Antonaki, this is hard...It is an addiction..Just you you have to decide it, and throw away everything reminds you smoking...ashtrays,cigarettes...(I always say it...but...lets see if i do it)
I spoke with my doctor at a checkup. She put me on Wellbutrin XL. (It is available in a generic.) I took a pill a day for a week and then was told to attempt the first smoke-free day on day 8. Wow!!! By day six the cigarettes even tasted bad. Really bad. And the nicotine effect was just not there. It was pretty much over after that. I have cheated twice (normally happens so don-t sweat it), but have not been able to smoke more than 3 puffs before getting disgusted and putting it out in both cases. I have been smoke-free for a year. No cheating.

Of course, drink lots of water and try a gentle walk around the block everyday or some form of exercise. The first few weeks you may cough and have stuffy sinuses, but your body is just undoing the damage you have done from smoking. Avoid people who smoke or tell smoking friends to deny you cigs. Go to non-smoking restaurants for drinks, etc. You can really control a lot by controlling your environment.

You can do cold turkey as well. A good site is for cold turkey support. I tried this and had some success reducing the cigs, but I needed the help of a doctor to really kick it. This is just what worked for me. You may be different! :-)

Be gentle with yourself and stick with it. You may slip a few days, but just tell yourself that you are now a non-smoker and keep plugging away. You can do this! Best wishes.
Cold turkey is hard but best. There are many options now, lozenges, gums, and patches. When I quit I used the patches at first. I chewed lots of sugar free gum (like Orbit) and the stronger the flavor the better. Suckers also helped me with the hand-to-mouth motions. Drink plenty of water to flush out the nicotine. Exercise to keep your mind off of it. The first month is tough, but since you have only been smoking a year, it may not be that bad.
There are many methods:
nicotene gum, cold turkey, hypnosis, nicotene patches, there are new types of medicine......................

Just pray to God daily and he will help you.
first of all ,in order to stop smoking,,u need to determine and agree its bad for your health.,.,.second is gradual withdraw,,,of addiction,,,by smoking a cigarrette less daily for a week,,then u go inot the cleaning zone,,,get rid of all cigareete related stuff ,lighters,ashtrays...and avoid smokers,,and stop smoking,,u will face headaches .,and cravings u over come them by moving around more,,,and taking analgesic s,,best is 2-3 tablets of paracetamol - caffeine(panadol extra)..over next 4-5 days u will get edgy ,,and try to not socialize or go near places with smokers,,,then bang its over...just u need maybe 1-3 months your respiratort cells will change and u get rid of the tar and chemicals plugging the lungs ,best of luck(ITS BETTER THAN GOING WITH GUMS AND PATCHES THIS METHOD)
Go to your docter.
How do i quit smoking? -