Is a nicotine medicine reccomended when first quitting smoking? -
is it proven to help quit smoking?
i used Nicotrol Inhaler. i do not feel it helped me quit smoking [i started back again] but my main issue is the actual ACT of smoking, so constantly puffing on the inhaler substituted puffing on a cigarrette. I suggest you DO use a nicotine replacement, because if you dont, you are likely to suffer from withdrawal. Nicotine withdrawal could definitely cause a person’s mood to get worse. The symptoms of Nicotine withdrawal are:
1) dysphoric or depressed mood
2) insomnia
3) irritability, frustration, or anger
4) anxiety
5) difficulty concentrating
6) restlessness
7) decreased heart rate
8) increased appetite or weight gain.
I used this unconventional spray stuff... it-s called -smoke control- by this brand -king bio-
*shrug* all I did was spray it in my mouth/under my tongue a few times a day. then I lost it a month or two later and haven-t used anything since. it-s a homeopathic remedy so it-s hard to understand how it works, but it worked great for me.. the day after I quit smoking I was sooo much happier! I couldn-t believe it.. of course I-ve still had cravings, but I think that it-s better to go with that than a patch that is still giving you nicotine, which is so icky..... =)p