Can anyone help me quit smoking? -

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Can anyone help me quit smoking? -

I really want to stop, but everyone around me smokes. I have tried umpteen times and to no avail!!! I have had patches, gum, lozenges, self-help books, the lot!
eat a lot of chocolate, it helps me :)
i smoke, but my wife don′t like me to smoke very much, chocolate helps curb the urges for cigarettes.
The most effective way is doing it yoursel: quit cold turkey. The problem is that it is difficult to arrive at the moment in your life when you realize that the health consequences of smoking are absolutely terrible and unavoidable and that your children and your wife and all your loved ones will suffer greatly if you are gone.
I always thought that I didn-t have the will power or that I was going to get panic attacks and that I was forever hooked. Nothing bad happens when you stop smoking, on the contrary. That was big surprise for me. Now it has been 110 days of not smoking after 30 years of one pack a day or more. I am very happy, feel 200% better, I don-t stink like an ashtray anymore, I can get closer to people and to my loved ones without the fear of reject because of my smell.
Go on, try it and you will see.
i had a friend who quit. and when i asked how he quit he told me... just don-t smoke. it worked for him and he has been smoke free for 5 years now. i know it sound stupid but get it a try. what do you have to lose.
stoping smoking is very hard, especially if people around you smoke and arent conciensous of you trying to quit. The best you can do is just suck it up, have some will power and quit. Set a date, ween yourself slowly and commit to quitting on that date and for good. Try wellbutrin or chantix. Ask those around you to not smoke around you. If they cared they would oblige. Other than that, its just all will power. Remove yourself from situations that trigger your smoking too. like being on the computer, driving, talking on phone etc. substitute with gum, sunflower seeds etc. to occupy your mouth.
Why would you want to quit? Smoking makes you look cool and adds a massive amount of street cred to your profile. I-m just kidding. I-ve been having the same problem trying to quit myself. I haven-t been able to completely quit but I-ve been able to massively cut back to the point where I go days without a smoke. There are a few things that have helped me along the way. The first and hardest for me was that I had to quit drinking for about a month as I was unable to stop myself from smoking when I was out at the bar. Second thing that helps me is that I always keep some sugar free candy around so that when that craving comes and you know it does I pop a piece of candy and it keeps my mouth busy and I eventually don-t want to smoke. The final thing that has helped me immensely is hitting the gym as often as possible. When you-re doing healthy things and making healthy decisions you don-t feel like you want a smoke and get disgusted with yourself when you do give in. Also it helps to break your usual patterns. If you take smoke breaks while at work then stop and instead go climb some stairs or walk around a different floor and explore the building. I know that sounds gay but anything to keep your mind off smoking usually is a good thing. I-m not sure if this will help but best of luck to you!
In just 30 days or less, you can quit smoking!
Blow smoke away, and on your way back to better health
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Can anyone help me quit smoking? -