How to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How to quit smoking cigarettes? -

i-ve been smoking for about 3 years (give or take).
i really wanna quit but i don-t want to use the patch or the gum; i want to do it on my own (i know it might sound kinda crazy, but i just want to do it cold turkey).
i-ve recently lost a substantial amount of weight and i-m afraid if i quit i-m gonna put it back on so i know not to replace it with sweets. i want to start exercising again, but i can-t go for long with my lungs full of cigarettes.

any suggestions on how you or others have quit?
its extremly hard.
the only way me and my boyfriend could quit was to start chewing tabacoo and then chew less and less of that and then swich to sunflower seeds ( because the have the same motion of chewing tabacoo)
im done with it but hes having a harded time ( he smoked for 8 years i smoked for 3)

goodluck its hard.
Quitting cold turkey is just making the conscious decision that you will not have another cigarette. Trying to replace one addictive thing with another can be good if the replaced thing is something healthy
Instead of turning to sweets try and do some small exercises when you feel the urge to smoke like jumping jacks or crunches or running
You must be fully committed to it if you want to stop and there are also things to help with you quiting smoking so do those to help and get a past time to help stop it and also get something new to eat or have instead of smoking.
How to quit smoking cigarettes? -