How can I quit smoking?I tried many treatments, no result. The more I think I have to stop, the more I smoke? -

Saturday, April 1, 2017

How can I quit smoking?I tried many treatments, no result. The more I think I have to stop, the more I smoke? -

Try getting into as support group. Your doctor will probably have information on one local to you.
You have to be ready to quit...and ready to quit for yourself, for your own health. If you quit for someone else (parent/child/spouse) whenever the next stressful event comes along you will just start smoking again.

I have tried zyban, the patch, hypnosis, and cold turkey. The only one that worked for me was cold turkey...because I was ready to quit for me.

Once you ahve made the decision to quit for yourself you need to prepare your home and work environments for this change. Get rid of ashtrays and lighters. Clean the house so that it smells nice. If you have smoking buddies at work tell them that your quit date is ____. Maybe they-ll decide to quit too and then you can become ex-smokers together.

Remember that it takes a while to get the nicotine out of your system. Then the rest is a change of behavior and mind set.

Try to go to a hospital and get a professional plan.
I am right there with you...I am in the process of quitting right now. I bought some herbs at the health food store and I am 1 day into the struggle. I am hopeful that this will ease the cravings at least a little bit. Keep busy and suck it up is the only advise I can give right now. Thin of yourself as a tibetan monk with a will of granite. push through the pain. You can do it.
try keeping yourself occupied all the time and throw away your lighter and cigareets

you could also try the nicotine path or gum
have your Dr. prescribe welbutrin.......IT WORKS!
I-ve tried many ways to quit smoking, all worked for awhile but I eventually started again. I was finally able to quit the habit the old-fashioned way, cold turkey. First step, resolve to quit, think of your health, family, and money, trust me, you save a lot of money when you quit smoking, and tell everyone you know what your doing so they can help, if they are smokers beg them not to let you -bum a smoke- no matter how much you might beg them. Second, pick a day to stop, I picked the day my son was born, making it a special day like that helps remind you what your quitting for. Third, throw away all your packs of cigarettes and all your lighters. I threw mine away at a gas station, instead of at home or work, so I wasn-t tempted to go back and get them later. It worked for me. Good Luck.
i recently stopped smoking by reading a book. I didn-t suffer from any withdrawal symptoms nor have i regretted my decision. The book cost me the price of two packets of cigarettes - less than a box of patches and once i have completed it i knew i would never smoke again. The book is called the easyway to stop smoking by alan carr. The brain is the most powerful thing you posess. use it to help you stop smoking.
If you are truly ready to quit, this method should work. Drink pure cranberry juice for 3 days. This will flush the nicotine out of your system. After that, it is a total mind set. You have to tell yourself that you don-t need to smoke after eating, while having a drink,etc.
Think of it this way: Let-s say your late for work, and you
discover you have a flat tire. You grab a cigarette, is that cigarette going to get you to work on time, or inflate your tire? No! After the cigarette is gone, your still late and you still have a flat tire. And you have just polluted your body! Good luck!
How can I quit smoking?I tried many treatments, no result. The more I think I have to stop, the more I smoke? -