I want to quit smoking cigarettes, Previous smokers please!? -

Thursday, April 13, 2017

I want to quit smoking cigarettes, Previous smokers please!? -

I want to.. I don-t like this stupid addiction.. how do I quit w. out going cold turkey, because chances are, if I go cold turkey, I-ll just start again. I-m weak, what can I say? And I would appreciate an ex smokers advice, not a -smoker-hater-. Please.
I know smoking is a bad habit. What you need to do is replace the smoking habit with another habit like gum chewing, eating seeds, or something like that. If you do that long enough your smoking habit will be gone.
I quit many years ago and did it cold turkey. I just stopped buying cigarettes, stopped bumming cigarettes, and stayed away from places and situations where smoking was common.

It was much easier than I imagined. No problem really. I smoked a pack a day for over 10 years and quit easily. If I can do it, then anyone can.

Don-t build up the idea of quitting as being difficult in your mind. There is no real physical addiction to cigarettes, like the companies that sell -smoking cessation- products want you to believe. You don-t need skin patches, gum, or a hypnotist to quit. You only need your own will power.
well i have been a smoker for years and and have been quitting!! I recently bought these smokeless cigarettes and i haven-t official -quit - but i have cut out the ammonia, cyanide, the bad breath, the yellow teeth and smell. I am on the way to cuttting out the cigarettes completely but i-m doing it in a step by step process. check these out. they work really well.
I have been smoke free for 5 months now. My biggest motivation was just remembering how crappy it made me feel. When I would think about it I would just remind myself that it really makes me feel like S#!*. You feel so much cleaner and healthier when you stop. Also it is a pain in the *** habit, always reaching for cigs and trying to figure out where to ash. Your hands will be free! If you really want to stop do not go out with the smokers at work on smoke break. Do not hang out in bars or places where you will be tempted to relapse. If you do relapse and smoke one don-t give up right there and say -F it, I-m just going to start up again.- Just look at it as a mistake and continue the path of quitting.

Something else that worked for me was that I replaced my bad habit with a good one. Now during my smoke breaks at work I stay inside and eat an apple instead of going out with all the smokers.
Same here. I went on Chantix. Let me tell you, it works. I started smoking when I was 21. I-m 63 now so I smoked for a long time. I am smoke free. The fact that you want to quit is the most important factor. It won-t work if you-re forced to quit. Call your Dr and tell him that you want to go on Chantix because it is a prescription. what it does is block the area of the brain that causes the addiction. You will smoke on the Chantix at first and that-s OK but eventually, you won-t want them anymore. If it worked for me after all those years, it will work for you. If you have insurance, they pay for it. You only have a co-pay. Good for you. I wish you the best and I pray you make it. You will. God bless you
I want to quit smoking cigarettes, Previous smokers please!? -