What is the best way to quit smoking permanently? -

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What is the best way to quit smoking permanently? -

Here is how I quit after 40 years:

I know my self and know that if I planned a time to quit it would not work and I would worry and fret until the time I had selected arrived, so I decided to surprise myself.

I bought the patches and put them up on a shelf.

One morning I woke up and decided -this is the day-, got out the patches and applied one.

after a few weeks of using the highest strength patch, I continued to buy the highest strength patch, but wore them for 2 days, then for 3 days......etc.

I then obtained some of those nicotine inhalers, either have to get a prescription or molest a drug rep.

I kept the inhaler in my pocket and when i had the urge for a cigarette i used the inhaler, usually a few times daily, but less and less as the days went by.

finally I was free of the symptoms, and was able to go without any aides.

It seemed easy

Of course I had the heart attack 2 years later, so please don-t wait as long to quit as I did.
Quit cold turkey was best for me. What solidified it was smelling how bad smokers really smell. I was embarrassed at how I must have offended people by that smell.
Sorry, I don-t smoke, but i do know some people who did quit and they chewed on gum constantly until they fought over that urge.
This sounds crazy but carry Ciggs with you. You know how it is if you don-t have you crave for them more. But if you have and you know you can light up, you don-t crave as much.........Works for me
The bottom line is that you have to WANT to quick smoking. Without the real desire to quit, it is hard.

Start by cutting out all the -extra- cigarettes. There are probably times when you really feel you enjoy a cigarette. And, other times when you just smoke out of boredom or habit.

Determine the ones that you really enjoy and cut out the rest. Whittle it down that way. Then, you can slowly cut down on the times you are still smoking.

A friend of mine smoked for over 20 years. When he quit, he still smoked, but didn-t inhale. He said the taste and feeling in his mouth was so disgusting that it was easy to quit after a short time.

Hypnosis helps some people. But, again, unless you really want to quick smoking, it probably won-t work too well.

Keep yourself busy. Instead of reaching for a smoke because you-re bored, get up and walk around the block or something. Doing exercise (as long as you-re doctor says it-s okay, of course) is a good way to help you keep busy and feel better, so that you don-t want to smoke.

Good luck with it!
Death...no, just joking. I would take Noni juice, on an empty stomach, as often as you like when not smoking. The neurochemical cascade is similar to what nicotine evokes. It releases both serotonin and the catecholamines simulating that speed-ball effect...relaxing and stimulating, but without causing dependency and having alot of -side benefits.- Just make sure the stuff isn-t watered down when you buy it (Noni Pacific is the best, methinks), and then add it to juice for taste after you buy it.
why quit? just cut back. don-t smoke so much cigarettes in one day, i am a smoker and i think it-s cool.
at least that-s my opinion
cold turkey and prayers.
you should have a stroke and if you survive from it then you will learn from the pain that SMOKING IS BAD, that is if you survive then you should count your self a lucky bastard, or something more worse like throat cancer, then your in trouble mate
To really want to quit, like, if you have elderly parents or children around you.
Well get alot of sugar free gums and candy keep that on hand i just stopped smoking about 5 months ago and yes its hard as HELL but i put my mind to it and said to myself that i wanted to live not die just like my parents did i stopped COLD TURKEY! just watch thast u dont over do it with the candy and gum it can put alot of weight on ya well hope u can stop good luck and god bless!
Picture yourself dieing a miserable death and destroying the lives of all the ones who love you dearly and leaving them behind to cope with what you left them. It is just another form of suicide, just more acceptable by many. Still suicide though.
Cold turkey or hypnosis
maybe you-ll find an iner you that does not smoke
My mom has this laser treatment done...she hasn-t smoked in 2 years
JUST quit smoking.....It-s that easy...
Have you tried the patches, or there is that amazon stuff that u just spray in your mouth.
What is the best way to quit smoking permanently? -