Prevent weight gain after quit smoking? -

Friday, April 21, 2017

Prevent weight gain after quit smoking? -

I-m tracking my calories on Sparkpeople. I eat LESS than I did when smoking 1000-1300 a day now. I quit 2 months ago. I have gained 10 lbs and really don-t want to start smoking again, but this is doing a number on my self-esteem and I don-t know how to fix it. Help
You should get involved in sports, start exercising - that will bring up your metabolism again. I would suggest you join a gym, there you can train all your muscles and thus increase your metabolism more than you you just jogged.
You also need to consider very what you eat, don′t just count the calories. Do you know this:…

Good for you to stop smoking!
well no matter what, you will gain weight after quiting smoking, beecasue your body is storing more from stress of no nicotine.. my brother gained like 30lbs after he quit.. its going to happen im afraid. but you can help to make it just a small gain in weight..
Its great your eating less, that will obviousl;y help, but you need to excersise alot more, so your body is burnings calories. get into a routine of power walking, jogging, sports, whatever just do something at the same time for around an hour everyday, make it quite vigorous excersice, and you might find you-ll loose weight rather than gain it..
hope this helps.

p.s- remember laziness will ruin this xD
Prevent weight gain after quit smoking? -