Quit Smoking? -

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Quit Smoking? -

I-m doing a Science Fair project for school and I am doing a survey which is titled What Is The Most Effective Way to Quit Smoking? And if you could PLEASE fill it out for me that would be awesome! Thanks!

Name (first name is fine):

Have you smoked before:

Do you smoke now:

Have you tried quitting:

If so, what method(s) did you use:

Were any methods succesful:

What do you believe to be the most effective way to quit smoking from your experience, or someone elses:





Cold Turkey

No you have to be serious about wanting to improve your health and if you are, you can do it without help.

Will power is the most succesful way!:)

Good luck on your project sweetie!! :)

Quit Smoking Right Now ! stay healthy

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Yes 14 yrs
Tried quitting few times
Gum didnt work for me, but tried something called electronic cigarette, which I got online.
The electronic cig has been effective and used that for a year... I have recommended the product to my dad and brother, so far they find it very effective.

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*Cold turkey...it worked but I still allow myself a cigarette every once and a while but I never buy a full box that way I dont smoke all of them only one!
-yes, more than once
-1st time: gum, 2nd time: cardio, 3rd time: total fitness
-the 3rd method
-i think fitness is most effective
Quit Smoking? -