How the hell do you quit smoking? -

Saturday, April 8, 2017

How the hell do you quit smoking? -

My sister has been smoking for seven years, is trying to cut down/quit and is having difficulties, any ideas on anything to help her?
I started on patches and that stupid plastic cigarette. The patches gave me bad vivid nightmares and the plastic doodah gave me an even worse chest. I threw the lot away and just -gave up-. Don-t even think about it now after a year and a half.

I recommend this product, it seriously changed my life. I was able to quit in one day. Not a lot of people even know about it... its put together by a man named Matt Godson
Hypnosis methods vary a great deal, which makes it hard to study as a way to stop smoking. For the most part, reviews that looked at studies of hypnosis to help people quit smoking have not supported it as a quitting method that works. Still, some people find it useful. If you are interested in trying it, ask your doctor if he or she can recommend a good hypnotherapist.
Acupuncture for smoking is usually done on certain parts of the ears.
very carefully and with a plan. i quit 25 1/2 years ago and it was tough. I used substitutes for the cigarettes but even that is 2 prong and hard. I did quilting to keep my hands busy and ate sunflower seeds adn hard candy to keep my face busy. The first 3 days were absolutely horrid but the 4th day, a cigarette was NOT the first thing I thought about and I knew I was on the right road. I twitched, I yearned, I got pissed for no reason, I was a witch with a capital -B- but I did it. It was so horrid that I would never start again, just to have to go through that again.
Hubby used the patches and also the snacks and something to do with his hands. For both of us, the psychological addiction seemed worse than the physical. For all those times I used to smoke, I had to find something else to do. Like after a meal, before going to bed, after getting up, while on the toilet, during an argument,substitutions for it all. I nibbled and crocheted and quilted myself silly. My husband did find-a-word- puzzles and nibbled.
I tried Chantix - it made me Nucking futz.

Went back to smoking, switched to American Spirit ciggerttes for a couple weeks - they dont have as many chemicals in them - I dont know why, but the withdrawl from them doesn-t scream as nearly as loudly as marlboros, etc. Easier to put those down.
Well I personally... havent because Im only 15 =S

But my Dad was a smoker and he told me how he quit.

He though that everytime he buys a pack of cigarettes, it lasts him a day. Thats $10. So its $10 a day, multiplied by 7 for a week with is $70 a week. Multiplied by 52 for 52 weeks which gives $3640 a year on smoking alone. Thats a lot of money...

Anyway, it may not be affective on everyone, but my Dad likes saving money =]
How the hell do you quit smoking? -