How did you quit smoking? -

Sunday, August 19, 2007

How did you quit smoking? -

I used Chantix and it worked and that is what I give the props to.

Go Chantix
Eventually, smoking became more boring than not smoking. I just stopped and told myself that if I were ever really stressed and had tried everything else to calm down, that I could smoke with my own permission. I had some rough times and smoked (just one night at a time) over a period of a year. The occasions became less frequent. Then I discovered that if I smoked because of stress, I felt less stressed out but horribly sick because of the smoking. Lol.
Coming up to three years since I made the decision.
They were going to amputate my foot....the doctor said that smoking would reduce my chance of healing and he figured it was easier to cut it off if I kept smoking.

DUHHHHHHH I quit, I have my foot, more money, don-t stink, never out of cigs and frantically smoking butts in the ashtray, less chance of -leathery skin-, don-t have to go out in the cold to smoke
I did it cold turkey, but I was never a heavy smoker to begin with. I only smoked socially. My husband on the other hand was a heavy smoker, and he used Chantix to quit. You need a prescription, and it can be expensive, but it-s definitely worth it. He-s been smoke free for almost 2 years now.
I quit smoking several years ago. Before I used to smoke for several yers, 1/2 - 1 pack a day! I just stopped smoking. I started to catch flues quite often with long-lasting caugh, I could have caugh for 3 weeks or more after the flu. Then I decided it-s enough smoking for me and just quit.
One day I just said -Enough!- I didn-t tell anyone because I didn-t want to have people asking about it constantly. Two weeks later someone asked if I had stopped. By then I had some new habits. It-s been MANY years since I stopped. I still, every now and then, think about cigarettes. I know I can-t pick up that first one. And I don-t.
keep thinking of how nasty it makes your clothes and breath smell, how yellow it will make your teeth, and how much your family will be affected and miss you when you start reaping the health issues cigarettes cause. then buy the patch and stick with it! good lcuk!
I found out I was pregnant! I quit cold was the best decission I could have made.
My mother just put them down and never picked them up again. She also had to avoid the situations that caused her to smoke (ie, friends/bars/etc).

It-s a tough path, but it-s worth it financially and health-wise.
Chewing gum and eating mints was what helped me. Everytime I wanted a cigarette I would just chew a piece of gum and it helped but I still craved it. You just have to have the willpower to stop and not just go have one more.
I stoppped smoking ciggerates . thats how . lol I never smoked
the longest ive quit for was a week. its f-ing rough man. chest started caving in. stuffs meaner to quit than heroin the doc says.
One of my friends got so drunk then SO hungover she felt sick smoking and she just never smoked again. Try that. Or when you-re ill just try to stop then because it will be easier.
Good question as I am wondering the same thing. I will be looking at this question to see the responses you get. Best Wishes.
cold turkey
Cold Turkey.....and alot of Juicy Fruit gum
never starting to smoke!! Best way ever.
Chantix and pure will!
One reason: I dont smoke
How did you quit smoking? -