Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

I smoked for over 40 years, having quit and gone back several times. I finally tried something new and have been smoke-free for about a year. This is what I did: whenever I wanted a cigarette, I-d smoke half of one. I did that for a couple of weeks, then I-d just take about four or five puffs, only smoking every other time I wanted a cigarette. I did that for a couple of weeks until I was down to 2 drags on a cigarette, maybe 4 times a day. Then, I decided that when that pack ran out, I-d buy no more.
Quitting cold turkey is just about as effective as quitting heroin cold turkey. Your body is just as addicted to nicotine and you have to wean yourself off it, like heroin addicts do with methadone. If you quit cold turkey, the craving is huge, while weaning yourself off of it, there is no craving left and your body is accustomed to being without it. Good Luck, my friend!
Loose your breath.
Smoking patches.
social groups.
help from loved ones.
hope for a future.
alternative- gum, mints.

ur choice.
-cold turkey- if you can handle it Its hard on yur nerves
hello turdface. I think the best way is to just stop.
convince your mind to stop. but don-t become a druggy.....
and don-t stick your head in a pile of turd...please....don-t, that-s gross.
There is no really -best- way, whichever works for you does it. How I did it, after chain-smoking for 35 years, was to use a kind of self-hypnosis, -I love to smoke but right now I have to make a choice: either continue or get ready for an oxygen tank because I can-t continue to smoke. I may in the future, but for now, I can-t!- It was kind of a mantra I told myself repeatedly...........also, for the first two or three weeks, I was careful to not drink coffee because that was a trigger..............and as soon as I quit smoking, no more alcohol of any kind...not even a sip of beer. It has been now about twenty years since I quit but if I took a beer, I would go right to the store and buy some cigarettes. Pathetic? Yes, but it is doable..........depends on you.
Like I did, throw them in the fire/bin and don-t buy any more. That was 45 years ago, but I still reach out for them and how I sniff at those cigars at Christmas. It-s will power.
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -