What is the best and least expensive way to quit smoking??? -

Saturday, January 7, 2017

What is the best and least expensive way to quit smoking??? -

One bullet. All smokers are just going to die a miserable, choking, cancer-ridden, painfully slow death anyway, and none of them ever really quit. They just postpone it for a month or two before starting back up again. So one lead slug to the temple should ease the pain on all of us, the health care system, gas stations, restaurants, casinos and bars, and keeps the exit lanes of freeways clean and butt-free.

Quitting means never doing it again, FYI.
I quit three years ago. I have low priced prescriptions so I tried Zyban. It really helped the cravings at first. I only took it to -get over the hump-, then did it on my own. Different things work for each person. My Dr. wanted me to try the patch, or gum. I didn-t want to put nicotine in my body. (If I was going to do that, I wanted to smoke!) There is a new med out that-s suppose to work really well - chantrix. If I didn-t have Rx coverage, I probably would have just cut down until I was having 1 cigarette a day, and then stop over the course of several months.
Throw you cigarette in the garbage and quit cold turkey. That-s how I did it.
Recognize that smoking is as bad an addiction as heroin.

Don-t be concerned with cost. Cigarettes cost $5-6 a pack so you will save money there once you quit.

Cold turkey is the cheapest way, but also the least successful.

The patch will work physically. You need to have a plan for handling the urges you will still get. I suggest a long drink of cold water and a quick walk. Divert yourself. If you get past the first 30 seconds you-ll be ok.

Don-t be ashamed to ask your doctor for a prescription for Chantix or one of the other aids available.

If you slide back, don-t think you can-t quit. Just start again.

Good Luck
I started to do yoga on a daily basis and just ended up quitting. It has many other benefits as well!
cold turkey but if u cant do that then gum/patches
Smoking is a ***** of a habit to kick, I-m currently doing it myself...as a retort to the last idiots comments, Aholes like that need to get hurt. Anyhow, There are many ways to quit. I have had the most success just thinking about being around longer for my son and watching him grow up and have a family of his own. Smoking diseases are horrible and the whole -scare tactic- works best for me...geting informed about the long term and fatality of it is enough to keep me motivated at most times, but it is hard. When I hear idiots in the comment above me, I almost want to make sure they get some of my second hand smoke because pricks like that need a bit of death themselves...but that isnt right I guess. Good luck. It-s a long and tempting road. Stay strong.
What is the best and least expensive way to quit smoking??? -