How good does it make you feel to quit smoking what are the benifits from this? -

Sunday, January 14, 2018

How good does it make you feel to quit smoking what are the benifits from this? -

I stopped smoking about 5 months ago after smoking for over 20 years, here are just some of the advantages:
I don-t smell bad anymore
Neither does my home or car
My skin looks about 10 years younger
My teeth are whiter
My eyes are brighter
I don-t cough in the mornings now
I have loads more energy
I can breathe much more easily
I am much better off financially
I feel so much better knowing that I am not slowly killing myself
Honestly, it-s the best thing I ever did - ask around I doubt you will find one ex-smoker who ever says -I really regret stopping smoking-.
I am 39 and I started smoking when I was 13,and I just quite smoking almost 2 weeks ago I feel great....
How good does it make you feel to quit smoking what are the benifits from this? -