Is quitting smoking right away cold turkey bad for you? -

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Is quitting smoking right away cold turkey bad for you? -

I-ve been smoking for awhile now and recently quit cold turkey because I found out I was pregnant, I wrote another question and I recieved a response stating that it could be harmful to just stop. I was just wondering if maybe this was true or not. Thank you everyone in advance for you answers.
My grandma stopped cold turkey and she-s been smoke-free for about 11 years now. She-s still in fairly good health with no serious problems so I-d say it-s not bad for you. I applaud you for being so strong and wanting to quit. You-re an inspiration to many people I-m sure. You-re baby will be thankful you stopped too!
cold turkey is probably the least harmful way to quit.. well done..never smoke again.. going cold turkey gives you withdrawals for about 5 days. nicotine is a fast acting heroin so the withdrawals are very quick as well.. after that its the habit thats hard to break but after 9 months off it you should be well over the habit..never buy another on,,, never let a friend give you another one
not true. if you can handle it, just stop. it-s not dangerous to go cold turkey at all. that person has no idea what they-re talking about.
congrats on quitting and on the baby
Last time I checked, smoking was bad for you, not quiting. Pretty sure you will not end up with quitters cancer.
Is quitting smoking right away cold turkey bad for you? -