I just quit smoking; how do I not pack on the pounds? -

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I just quit smoking; how do I not pack on the pounds? -

I-m about 5-3- and weighed about 120 pounds until I quit smoking 4 weeks ago. I-ve gained 4-5 pounds since and feel like I-m just getting fatter. Does your metabolism eventually pick up again?

I-m trying not to eat everything in sight, trying to eat lots of fruits and veggies and just chew gum and have sensible meals (and an occasional tootsie roll or Jolly Rancher, or a pound of brownies sometimes! lol). I also started walking on a treadmill 1/2 hour to an hour 5 days a week, with situps or crunches afterwards.

What more do I have to do?! Please help!
I-ve quit smoking twice now and both times it was hard to do. If you haven-t smoked in 4 weeks, you are doing really good. Your metabolism will be fine if you avoid fats and starches. This can be done by focusing more on green vegetables, corn and fruit. Eat all the protein you can get your hands on. Whenever you feel hungry, just pop a bananna and drink a glass of water. The key is dealing with your hunger without overeating. Fill up on vegetables all you want. Replace wheat with corn. After a week you will feel great. Also, the key to succeeding on the treadmill is breathing. The more air you breathe, the more fat you burn. You can do it, grow and be healthy!
Remember to give yourself some credit once and a while. thanks for the vote.

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work out,like aerobics and stuff, and congrats on quitting :)
I know its hard but hang in there I quit many years ago - put on the weight but I did lose it..
however I suggest drinking lots of water as that will make you feel full so you will not want to eat
STAY away from sweets, eat the veggies - fruits - stick to it stay with your exercise - that will help you keep the weight off then you can reward yourself with a sweet

good luck
I would keep my hands busy doing crafts or exercising something like that
Chew sugarless gum or peppermints. This will suppress your appetite. By quiting smoking your appeitie will grow automatically. This will help. Good Luck!!!
Just stick to lollipops. It-s helps with the addiction to that motion, and it-s less calories.
when i quit everytime i wanted a cigerette i would do something that i couldn-t do while smoking like fold clothes or clean house not only did i quit but my house was spotless GOOD LUCK and take it one day at a time
Your metabolism will absolutely pick back up. The more active you are, the higher your metabolism will be and the harder your body will be working to shed the extra calories...EVEN WHEN YOU AREN-T EXERCISING! Also be advised, that the sit-ups and crunches wont do much as far as the way you look until you shed the weight that-s covering your abs! keep up the hard work and you will have exactly the body that you want to have! :)
I just quit smoking; how do I not pack on the pounds? -