I want to quit smoking starting tomorrow by going cold turkey. But i still have 5 cigarettes in my pack.? -

Sunday, January 14, 2018

I want to quit smoking starting tomorrow by going cold turkey. But i still have 5 cigarettes in my pack.? -

should i smoke all of it tonight and start tomorrow as a brand new day as a non-smoker?
hi ace your choice...

actually it probably doesn-t matter, when you smoke them, or even if.. as long as you decide when they are gone they are gone.. and yes cold turkey works for some people.. just don-t quit quitting ,if you have to use another method..good luck..

you might want to check out a support group for help with both the detoxing and learning to live smoke free..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Some people can go cold turkey; some can-t. Good luck for trying, but remember statistics say the average person quits more than once - reverts back. It-s a habit, difficult to break - if you think you can do it, throw them out.
In a way, smoking is like perpetual dieting. Some dieters desparately trying to find something that works eat everyting in site the day before starting yet another diet. This is like crash dieting - has a yo yo effect.
Smoking is more than a bad habit, like overeating. It is a physical addiction which grows worse the more you smoke. It comes from the additives you can-t pronounce on the box, not the tobacco itself. Manufacturers want you to get hooked of course.

The most recent studies indicate a higher percentage of success by taking an aid like Chantix - gradually reducing your cigarette consumption. It keeps the nicotine from reaching your brain, thereby cutting down your consumption and -cleaning- the receptors. I know 2 close friends, very heavy smokers who quit this way, plus myself. I-d tried cold turkey only to have the cravings return in anywhere from a month to 2 yrs later.

Whichever way you go the important thing is that it-s YOU who-s decided to quit. Not pressure from everyone else, or indication that you-re somehow -weak- Don-t listen to this! They probably never even smoked, much less researched the topic. It isn-t as easy as just -trash the pack- esp. if you fail the first time - have to go buy more. You may try giving these 5 to a friend and ask them to put them away for if/when you absolutely lose it one day. Sometimes when you-re quitting even a puff will get you to the next day. Gradually they will stop tasting good - you-ll be smoke free.

Be easy on yourself; read as much as you can. There are great support sites where people understand the issue - don-t call you a -whimp- for being unable to go cold turkey. Cudos for getting to this point! Wanting it is a major key to success, don-t ever beat yourself up if you fail- no matter how many times it takes. My dad had a motto: -If at first you don-t succeed try try again-

Another hint: Smoking has to be causing a problem for YOU. When it does interfere with your life, your sleep, your nerves, your cash on hand or your health it will be a much stronger motivator than any commercial or peer pressure.

~Good Luck~ hope I-ve helped.
~All the best~
Flush -em.
And you can do it! My sister recently quit, use the money you save to treat yourself and you will be smoke free in no time. x
Three steps you should do now!
1.Throw them all into washroom.
2. Flush.
3. Done!
Step by step directions.

1. flush them
2. All Done!
Don-t be a sissy. Mash them up and throw them in the river.
I want to quit smoking starting tomorrow by going cold turkey. But i still have 5 cigarettes in my pack.? -