What is the best thing to use if you are trying to quit smoking? -

Sunday, January 14, 2018

What is the best thing to use if you are trying to quit smoking? -

1. Walk 30 min/day, every day, for 2 weeks before actually quitting. This builds your discipline and your willpower.

2. Start the patch (it-s preferable over the lozenge/gum because it doesn-t feed your oral fixation).

3. Pay close attention to changes in your eating habits. Log everything you eat for the 2 weeks before you quit, and continue after you quit - make sure there is not an increase in your caloric intake.

4. Get your teeth professionally cleaned. Quitting smoking restores circulation to your gums and can cause excessive bleeding and gum disease if you don-t get your teeth cleaned after you quit (plus, your whites will be the pearliest ever!)

5. Stay away from situations that will encourage you to smoke. When your buddies go out back at work to smoke, find another activity that will not tempt you. When your buddies go to the bar, stay at home and read or take a walk or call a loved one. At least for the first few weeks.

Good luck!
Water to hasten the cleansing of your system. Exercise to remove the build up of junk on the lining of your lungs. Will power to fight the withdrawal and the cravings.
Light Cigarettes
I quit smoking a little more than two years ago. I used the gum for about six weeks.
Its been since September 06 that i-ve quite :-)

First of all, i-m sure you-ve heard this a thousand times but its true...you really really really really have to willing to quit before you do anything!

Then, I went to see my general family Dr. He advised me to try the patch (worked really well for me not necessarily for everyone apparently...but it helps)Nicorette Steps 1,2-3. Then, he also prescribed me these stress pills (not anti-depresants) just harmless stress pills for those really tough moments when i would break out into a rage! Yep....-rage-...you have to face the fact that its going to be tough in the begining (first few weeks) then its gets less painful/stressful....and you have to realize that you-ll still be thinking about smoking even months, a year after you quit....and just one tiny little puff, one little drag and you-re back for good buddy.

Eat a lot of greens (salad, cucumber,Zuchini...etc) drink a lot of water/liquids....and if you-re afraid of gaining weight...think of it this way: when you eat (especialy a good greasy/fatty meal) the first thing you crave is a smoke....well, logically, if you don-t eat a lot (to compensate) stay away from greasy food/junk food for a while....drink less coffee..etc..you won-t have that craving ;-) chew gum (but not obsessively, it could give you lock-jaw!?! Happened to me...)...

And i hate to say it but a lot of walking or even riding a bike everyday (or excerise bike) really helps....trust me. Remember, you have to accept that its hell (i broke out into a tantrum and tears one day)...but once you get through it...MAN OH MAN!!! you-ll start seeing the differences bit by bit; your skin (and tone), your breathing,your mood,your sleeping,your taste buds...everything just changes...gets healthier...its great!!!

Hang in there buddy...best of luck
Nicotine Patches and Nicotine gum. Good luck getting rid of that nasty habit.
i give ur best products of quit smoking on 30 days...i m allso used this products more information about products http://www.skincarefairy.com
Chocolate or cofee
keep yourself busy,every time you want a smoke take ten deep breaths,walk everyday to keep busy.keep your mind active,read anything,the urge only last for 30 seconds,all you have to do is fill in 30 seconds every time you want a fag.think how much money you will save over a years,spend it wisely,and always remember smoking does KILL
acupuncture, it worked for about 2 weeks, it wasn-t the right time, i-m going back
Will power...and start training a sport you like...youll see how it quickly gets you over it all in no time.
Gum or keep hard candy in your mouth. Also keep your hands busy so you don-t reach for the cig that you don-t need.
Take up a new sport that you can really get hooked on. You will then realised how unhealthy it is to be smoking.

My husband did was he finished up straight one full pack the night before he wants to quit. Smoke till his tongue was tasteless. Then he stop totally the next day.
A book called -how to quit smoking-, it-s worked for loads of people, where nothing else has. Don-t know the author.
Stop smoking. Flush your stock of cigarettes, do not buy any more, stay away from the cigarettes when going shopping, avoid people that smoke. After a day your urge will weaken. If you continue this behavior for a month your urge will be almost completely gone. After about three months you will probably be ready to see the cigarettes and see people smoking. However, I advice that if you have friends that smoke that you should avoid them because you will feel a natural affinity to do what they do. I would wait to hang with them while they are smoking for at least a year. If you make it a year without smoking you are ready to be in the company with active smokers. After a year it has been my experience that only great stress or depression could bring you back to smoking.
The patch, gum, straws
What is the best thing to use if you are trying to quit smoking? -