How can i quit smoking? -

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How can i quit smoking? -

I have been smoking for the past 20 years. i want to know how i can quit. please i need answers
Billy, please read The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. I haven-t had the urge to smoke since I finished it. It-s amazing, check out the reviews of it on to get an idea from other smokers. You have to read this book, it changed my life.
Check out Quit Assist,…
Family Doctor,…

and Nicotine Busters,…

All have a wealth of information on smoking cessation aids, tips and techniques for quitting, support, etc.

Good luck to you!!!
One of my friends successfully quit, after a few attempts. He finally found something to really motivate him to quit (health for himself and his family, saving money). Then he used stuff such as nicotine gum, as well as getting a strong support team (family, friends, church affiliation). Had to start finding other habits to do instead. He did gain a little weight, but started exercising more and watching his diet, so not too bad.

Another person got motivated because of constant pressure from his family and also because he wasn-t allowed to smoke in or around the house whenever he visited the grandkids. Also, even not allowed to kiss them if he smelled like cigarettes, -cause the grandson had bronchiolitis (breathing problem). He took the way of slowly decreasing and finally stopped completely when he had grandkids.

There are clinics and hotlines for smokers trying to quit, and support groups. But I would say the main thing is to find your motivator, and make sure you start making new good habits.

P.S. if all your buddies/family members are smokers, it will be VERY difficult. Maybe find a buddy who wants to quit just as much as you, so you can support each other, and encourage when you get weak.
How can i quit smoking? -