If I quit smoking now, will my lungs be regenerated by 2016? -

Friday, July 3, 2009

If I quit smoking now, will my lungs be regenerated by 2016? -

Hi, I have been smoking for about 6-7 months now, and I just found out that my sport made it into the 2016 Olympics. I was wondering if my lungs would regenerate by that time, as I would like to make it into the Olympics?
Your lungs will be back to normal in less time than you think, and certainly by 2016. I assume that you are less than 35 years old, because of your interest in joining the Olympics. So your body will repair itself with training in less than a year. It is widely belived that if you quit smoking by 35 that five years later you will not have any indication that you have ever smoked a day in your life.
It depends on how much you smoke. But usally, your lungs never repair. You will always have that in your lungs. If you stop now, you may be able to make it, but your chances arent very good if your wanting to get all the toxins out of your lungs. There Permanent. You may even have lung cancer by now.
it depends how long you have been smkoking? and if long then NO WAY! your lungs are scared for life filled with that crap. If you havent been smoking for long then you could...but still you will have a worse chance then a person that does not smoke.
It takes 7 years for lungs to return to ideal condition.
yes since u didnt accumulate as much tar as other ppl that smokes for long term and prob itll heal in like less than a yyear? or mayb 2
yes ..but a little scad . do it
If I quit smoking now, will my lungs be regenerated by 2016? -