How soon after I quit smoking can I start working on my cardiovascular endurance? -

Saturday, September 10, 2016

How soon after I quit smoking can I start working on my cardiovascular endurance? -

please see a doctor, you don-t want to guess on anything with the heart, but also your own research is good to counterpoint it
How about right now? Even smokers (tsk tsk) should do exercises to improve their cardiovascular health. Start moving, no matter how slowly and do a little more each day. It may take weeks to feel stronger and to be able to -go the distance- but perserverance will bring the desired effect. Congratulations on quitting (assuming you have quit). Make it the last time you ever have to quit. Lung cancer is a dreadful way to die. A heart attack can-t be much fun either. Stay focused on the ong and healthy life you WANT to live.
Ask your doctor, to be sure.
You can probably start a light walking routine, immediately.
why wait? thats silly. start right now.
How soon after I quit smoking can I start working on my cardiovascular endurance? -