How to help a friends father quit smoking? -

Friday, September 16, 2016

How to help a friends father quit smoking? -

My friend-s father wants to quit smoking. He hasn-t smoked a single cigarette in a whole week. He claims that his body hurts from the sudden lack of nicotine. Also, he has high blood pressure, so he says that the nicotine gum would increase it (i dont really know about the patch itself). He refuses to go to the doctor as well.

Is there any other way for him to stop smoking? (he really wants to quit)
I smoke Myvic electronic cigarette. It-s much healthier and has no impact to others whatsoever. It-s cheaper and I can use it absolutely anywhere, cause it doesn-t have tobacco, or burning process. The -smoke- which is produced is actually a vapour, which is harmless to others around.

I got it from here if you-re interested:
I have quit after 25 years of smoking I don-t think one can quit using any alternate I have had tried many times and even I started again after sixmonths but this time it is now 5 years and 7 months I did-nt smoke and it is only and only will power does-nt matter he should take medicicine for his blood pressure but not any alternate for smoking not even gum he must go on like this with his will power I have noticed that smoking can be given off by will power only, may God help him to give off this slow poisoning
His body might really hurt from stopping smoking -- there-s something called smoker-s flu that can make people feel really sick:…

If you want to help him quit smoking, the best thing you can do is support him and tell him he-s making the right decision. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement. Tell him not to bother with hypnosis!
I have quit after 50 years of smoking,and I accomplished it by dipping pouches called Wolf packs! Tobacco in a pouch.Not the best way but it stave-s off cravings for a cigarette! Best of Luck! A little will power don-t hurt either!
Introduce your friends father to Hypnosis.
Because Hypnosis is the best way to help you to quit smoking quickly, easily and inexpensively.
There are lots of natural ways to reduce the side effects of quitting. You can get some free trials and see if they help. You can find many ways to help him at this site my friends have used and they succeeded at quitting.
here you can find all about how to stop smoking easy
Try to chew gum NOT nicotine gum... umm also he should take meds for his blood pressure if he already doesn-t. this is all I can think of. Hope this helps

How to help a friends father quit smoking? -