My friend needs to find a part time job, but wont quit smoking pot, how can I get her to quit for now? -

Friday, September 16, 2016

My friend needs to find a part time job, but wont quit smoking pot, how can I get her to quit for now? -

All places of employment in Florida drug test their employees. My friend needs to find a job but refuses to quit smoking pot daily....any suggestions?
you can-t make her quit; i-d just say -look - you need a job and you can-t get one if you-re a toker. choose which is more important: a job or pot-

if she-s an idiot, she-ll pick pot and then you won-t want to hang out with her ;)
Even restaurants drug test? I only ask because waiting tables is a GREAT way to meet fellow potheads....
If I were you though, I-d just wish her luck and let her handle it on her own. If she really wants a job she can sacrifice the green for a couple of weeks. It sounds like she doesn-t give a damn either way.
Your friend is her own person and needs to work out her own issues and do what she needs to do. It can be hard watching a friend go on a path of self destruction but this is her journey and she needs to walk it. All you can do is support her while she does so. peace out
If she wants to throw her life away by smoking weed every day, let her. I mean, it-s cool with me to do once in a while but those who do it every single freaking day are just losers.
You can-t make other people do anything that they don-t want to do. Unless you-re a police officer making an arrest, or something similar, of course.

You can try talking with your friend. If you do that, make sure that you talk to her as somebody who cares about her. If she doesn-t want to quit smoking out, then lecturing her and such is only going to make her more adamant about lighting up.
They drug test for part time jobs? I highly doubt it (no pun intended). It is usually the big companies or skilled work where a person would be tested. Any part time job is not likely to drug test. On the other hand if she doesn-t have a job it-s not a good idea to spend money on something she doesn-t need.
You can-t. You can try to get them to stop for a little while but they will start right back up. But I know them too, they just but some special system flusher so when they take the piss test there clean.
My friend needs to find a part time job, but wont quit smoking pot, how can I get her to quit for now? -