I want to lose weight and quit smoking, Does that mean I have to be hungry and miserable? -

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I want to lose weight and quit smoking, Does that mean I have to be hungry and miserable? -

I hate smoking but it has become a regular part of my life, every time I try to quit I eat ALL the time. Now I am fat and smoke. Kind of stupid but the only time I feel satisfied while trying to quit smoking is when I have stuffed my self so full of food my stomach aches. I have read a bit on quiting somking and most refrences do not recomend the patch or gum. Is their a magic pill that will help me controll my urges for cigaretts as well as reduce my hunger?
I was a smoker for over 20 yrs off and on . I quit over a month ago on Zyban(welbutrin) For me it was the magic pill because it worked. I am also an avid runner. I have gained a few pounds but if you exercise, eat healthy and drink a ton of water you will be fine. I als joined a web site called quitnet.com another site is whyquit.com quit net is a great support and why quit will motivate you! Good luck....N.O.P.E (not one puff ever)
Sorry, but yes, you will be hungry and miserable for a while. BUT DO IT ANYWAY! You will feel so much better when you are thin again and can walk a flight of stairs with out stopping to catch your breath.
I did hypnosis for my smoking cesation and he added in weight loss too. I stopped smoking and lost 25 lbs at the same time.
thats a really tough one, because most people that quit learn to enjoy food more a. because food tastes better than before because you can smell better therefore enjoy it more b. because instead of a smoke to fidget with you will likely eat chew or drink something (or a combination of )you have to put the eating in check and try to eat healthier than you ever had, that and get in an exercise regimen or walk more...I smoked when I was young quit for 17 years, took it back up when I traveled to egypt on a long business trip, smoked for 4 years, and finally have quit for good over 6 years now so far, welbutrin helped but its a very -will to- thing...talk to your doctor about creating a plan for success...good luck!
Zyban helped my brother quit twice. I tried it and cut right down but still needed the 1 or 2 smokes a day. I also tried the patch but nothing at all happened with that. If you find anything else works let me know, Im in the same perdicament! :(
I want to lose weight and quit smoking, Does that mean I have to be hungry and miserable? -