I quit smoking and I am also trying to lose weight. I work out and eat good food? -

Thursday, September 1, 2016

I quit smoking and I am also trying to lose weight. I work out and eat good food? -

veggies, lean meats lots of water do cardio,lift weights, toning exc and my scaled are not moving.
What can I do to increase my weight loss?
I know the quitting smoking may counter affect it here???????
I quit 3 weeks ago.
Actually, as long as you continue on this path, you will continue to make progress. However, I recommend that you use a measuring tape instead of a scale to measure your progress. Muscle is denser than fat and you are probably gaining muscle. I am willing to bet that none of your clothe sizes are listed in pounds or kilograms. Also, here are some links to a free meal plan and sample workout if you want to add some variety.
Excellent. It means that your percentage bodyfat is in a nose dive.

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that is a very positive action. continue to do that until your whole system get use to it.
treat yourself to a hair dresser and you can do that
not sure how much you are doing cardio....you need to do at least 45 - 60 minutes of cardio a day for 5-6 days a week if you want to see the scales move!
Try to eat more heathly meals during the day 5-6. small breakfast, snack, good lunch, snack, good dinner.

Also, when doing cardio...vary the intensity...walk run or walk/jog...this will kick your body into fat burning mode! If your running and getting your heart rate up too high, then your past the point of fat burn...so a walk/run or jog is better. Do these two things and you-ll see the pounds melt off.
Exercise everyday like jogging around the block
Skip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per day
Dont eat until you-re full
Eat fruits at night if your hungry.
Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.
I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.
there-s a video on success fitness too.
Have you cut out caffiene? Also fitness/wrestling expert Matt Furey says eat a apple a half hour before each meal. I dropped 8 pounds in two weeks just by quitting the coffee and started the apple eating routine. I will let you know if I drop any more. I hope it works out for you and you stay off the ciggies.
I quit smoking and I am also trying to lose weight. I work out and eat good food? -