What is the best way to quit smoking without using medications? -
In fact many people are turning to quit smoking without medication. This is also called cold turkey. You just decide to stop and that-s it. You throw everything away.
There are two ways to do it either by using herbal remedies or just stopping and enduring the thunderous withdrawal symptoms. I find herbal remedies desirable because they involve a total detox of your entire body and at the same time deal with any other ailments not necessarily related to your smoking. they leave you feeling revived. Herbs have a natural way to deal with smoking withdrawal symptoms too.
Whichever is the most appropriate for you ( herbal or cold turkey) combine it with a quitting program. There are many available for free online were you set your quit date in advance and line up all your structured strategy. You follow each stage step by step.
Research has shown that combining your quitting chosen way with a program spikes success rates.
p/s You can purchase herbal remedies from online pharmacies like RiteAid.com
mind over matter......
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